Education​ & Activities
Our community runs a number of different programmes for our adult members.
On Tuesdays we have a teatime session run by Rabbi Rader, which takes place at 4 pm and lasts for one hour. This is a Zoom session and the subject is distributed by WhatsApp and Email.
On Wednesdays we have a one hour long Lunch and Learn run by Rabbi Rader. This takes place at 1 pm This is a Zoom session and the subject is distributed by WhatsApp and Email.
On Thursday we have the Ladies Shiur at 10.30 am. This is a hybrid programme. You can join us at 101 Pembroke Crescent or via Zoom. Details are distributed by WhatsApp and Email.
For more information or to be put on the Zoom contact list please phone the Shul Office on 01273 888855 or email